As pretty as the snow is ...... I have been on the hill for 5 days.....too icy to drive down. I want to go into town and see a play or go to a Christmas Party....or visit the big city of Portland and walk the streets.....go to Christmas services at the church.......missing Christmas..... or am I ................
Anonymous said…
Tall Evergreen trees whose boughs are laden with snow; the hushed silence of snow-covered hills; the twitter of tiny birds looking for seed treats; the beautiful decorations inside and out of your lovely home and---high on your clifftop---God is so near that you can reach out and touch Him. You're not missing Christmas, Dear One. It's right there.
Hi Deirdra, What a cozy, beautiful hearth you've set up, and how lovely the house on the hill looks with lights and trees around. I'd say you've definitely got the Christmas Spirit all around you. (I haven't even put up a tree yet because I didn't get one before the snow hit, and now that the girls are off to Hawaii, I'm wondering if I should bother. But I am missing it.) I hope you're getting out for walks in the snow - I find it exhilirating and inspiring. Enjoy! Linda
What a wonderful sight your house is with all the lights...thanks for sharing your christmas celebration...I hope its a lovely one for you asnd your family.....xx
Anonymous said…
I completely understand. I'm from Texas, but I live in the Pacific Northwest now, and I've never adjusted. I was only stuck in my house for a day and a half, but I was already ready for the snow to go away... I hope that you have managed to get out by now.
You have decorated your house so beautifully. The colorful glow of these photos is so welcoming.
Tall Evergreen trees whose boughs are laden with snow; the hushed silence of snow-covered hills; the twitter of tiny birds looking for seed treats; the beautiful decorations inside and out of your lovely home and---high on your clifftop---God is so near that you can reach out and touch Him. You're not missing Christmas, Dear One. It's right there.
What a cozy, beautiful hearth you've set up, and how lovely the house on the hill looks with lights and trees around. I'd say you've definitely got the Christmas Spirit all around you. (I haven't even put up a tree yet because I didn't get one before the snow hit, and now that the girls are off to Hawaii, I'm wondering if I should bother. But I am missing it.) I hope you're getting out for walks in the snow - I find it exhilirating and inspiring.
You have decorated your house so beautifully. The colorful glow of these photos is so welcoming.
Have a bright and warm Christmas, snow or not.