Doll Arting
I am slowly getting my art dolls made..had a great day with my Arting
friends....Check them out all working art rockstars...
Beautiful Janne from Norway in her new silver leather rock star jacket..I gave it to her because is looked better on her and she is a sweetie!!..she is a fashion designer as well as other arty things! Janne is from Norway and her blog is so interesting with all kinds of Norway and art idea's. She blogs daily!
Karla's work for sale on her etsy.
Karla my new dear friend is a wonderful inspirational artist, author and working artist. She blogs 4 times a week with wonderful things to share.
Lulu's beautiful chicken's..I bought for my Birthday present this year.
She is a dollie artist to and we push each other on!
Also check out this little girlie..I just posted her on my etsy for sale.
I did go visit your friend's blogs and how amazing are they!!! I love to visit other artists and see what inspires them.
I look forward to seeing your latest creations when you are finished with them and have a wonderful weekend!
Tina xo
First of all, your comment was so beautiful. I had no idea that my post would touch many people. But many of us know what it is like to be in a situation, whether it is a job, a marriage or other relationship that is just not right. In my case, I had been denying my artist bent for too long. Teaching was a great experience and it really stretched me. Now, I am taking that plunge and leaving a comfortable salary, to go out into the unknown and competitive world of art and writing. BUT.....if we do all things IN LOVE, as I can see YOU DO, then certain strategies must be in place to expose our talents and have the right people find them. I do wish you success, as I hope to find as well, and I must go visit LULU! THANK YOU, MERCI MILLE FOIS and I hope to connect with you again!!! Anita
Thank YOU for coming back! I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota! I am a French teacher, so maybe my MERCI MILLE FOIS took you off track! I have been to France and Italy, however.
Are you in Europe???
I WENT TO SEE LULU....OMGOODNESS, what magic. There is so much talent and fun out here in Blogland!
Enjoy your day...I will! I am now on a week-long spring break with much planned for FUN!