Self Portait Wednesday

While working on my doll I noticed my eyes in the mirror...

This week I have been finishing my Art Doll Only Shakespeare Esty group challenge doll. I choose Juliet....more about that later...her little costume and necklace is so sweet...I have also been watching the "Tudors" series that we rented....oh the romance of 1500's!


Colette said…
Beautiful as always. Such clarity.
Sarah said…
Great portraits! You have lovely eyes!
spindelmaker said…
You are beautiful! My favorite is the first picture. There is a sincere honesty in your eyes.
Kim Mailhot said…
I am sure anyone who looks at you for the first time, as I did today, notices those magnificent, blue eyes and wonders at the thoughts and imaginings behind them. Beautiful.

happy sp wednesday !
Julie said…
Deirdra-you're beautiful and even without makeup! If we were all so lucky....You know I am going to just Love this doll as always. I can't wait to see it. Thank you for your kind words the other day ; )
Meri said…
The true blue eyes, windows to the soul. Eyes the color of my father's, my oldest son's, his son. A genetic expression of generational links. Beautiful eyes, Deirdre. (And it was my pleasure to do that post about John's glorious music).
Tina said…

this is super cool - I love all your self portraits so know how to work a camera for sure...

Sherry said…
I love this self portrait Deirda. All of your beauty is reflected in your eyes.
deb did it said…
oh those eyes! I am loving everyone's revealing, so beautiful.
Anonymous said…
oh i just love the one with the mona lisa in the foreground. such a lovely composition. what a beautiful blog!
HA ! That light looks like a hat !

Do you think you look like your dolls?

I am so undisciplined......I said I'd do the self p thing and then each week I forget. Well, the first week I posted a day late....does that count? Then this week I totally forgot about it. I'm being asked by the NM Museum foundation to provide a photo of myself .......yikes, maybe it is just the sp thing that has my panties in a knot.....who have thought???????
Yes, D ~ I do think your dolls look like you......

Took your advice and headed on over to Deb's ........oh what a wonderful blog and she looks like someone I'd want for a close friend.......yep, no panties.......

I'll post a photo for next week, promise....there, I've committed.

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