Faerieworlds 09 Part 1

Aug 2 I sat in a beautiful garden while my husbands music floated out over the faerie garden of "Dancing Oaks"....we were beginning our tale of going to Faerieworlds....
John was on his way to play for the faeire's.....
on the big stage.....

hot was the day but the faerie's were a playing....

the beautiful Wendy Froud...maker of dolls and hostess of the Faerie Worlds ...

Brian Froud.....artist and host of the event....maker of faeries......

My Lady....welcome to the world of faeire's.


Janine said…
How absolutely wonderful! The photos and especially the music! Thanks for sharing this Deirdra!
spindelmaker said…
What an interesting event! There seems to be no end to the creativity in the States... the advantage of living in a big country, I guess. You find people with all sorts of interests. Have you seen the book: "My pressed fairy book"? I am sure the host of this festival will not appreciate it, but the illustrations in there are pretty cool. And the text is quite good too. Especially in the beginning where the "author" is only 5 years old...
Amy said…
I would love to go to an event like this. And how incredible to meet the Frouds!
Renee said…
Deirdra talk about beautiful blogs.

Your dolls are incredible.

I want to thank you so much Deidra for giving me the information on breast cancer. I will definitely be looking at that later today.

Renee xoxo

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