A Necklace to Wear on the Grand Tour.....
It was made by the lovely Denise Tucker. She is an author and jewelry maker.
Denise use the book "French Inspired Jewelry" by Kaari Meng It was so generous of her...thank you Denise!!!
I feel like the most elegant French Princess is this necklace. I am going to take it to Europe with me...it is my little secret...to wear it ....and feel so romantic....from another time of my dreams....
This is my bedroom....it reminds me of Paris, Bath and Venice...I love the new little mantel I bought...and the etchings from the late 1700's & early 18 ths...one little drawing is from a shop in Oxford.....I have women on one side and men on the other....I decorate with things from my trips.....so the romance is always with me....
I'll take notes at the workshop... Hopefully my very 'buzzy' brain can retain some good info!
Also, can't wait to see pics of that wonderful trip you are taking. I am excited for you! I know the pics will be fantastic as you have a wonderful eye! Safe journey!
I love your pretty necklace! That mantel is lovely in your room. I don't think Igot back to you after the last email. I booked the tickets and will see you there! I will drive and then I can bring lots of dolls to show you! It is Medora L Byron who I bought from Dame Darcy-she is very sweet and arrived safely!
yeh..I'm with MIcah... never want to leave a bedroom like yours....